✈️ Happy New Year! 🎄Free shipping worldwide.🌏


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Before you contact us, please take a moment to read our FAQs, which may provide answers to your questions. If you can't find the answer and would like to get in touch with us, please send an email to: service@taglec.com

When will my order arrive?

Products are usually shipped from our international warehouse. We cut off the middleman so we can give you the best price. Therefore, it usually takes 1-4 weeks for an order to arrive at your item, even though we have recently seen a much faster shipping time. Shipping time usually depends on how long the customs needs, depending on the country.

If your item does not have you within 45 business days of delivery, we will provide a money back guarantee. Learn more about our money back guarantee here

Will I be charged customs and taxes?

The price shown on our website is USD exempt, which means you may have to pay customs duties and taxes after you receive your order.

Once your order reaches its final destination, import duties, customs duties and related customs fees may be collected, as determined by the local customs.

The payment of these fees and taxes is your responsibility and we will not bear it. We are not responsible for delays caused by customs authorities in your country. For more details on charges, please contact your local customs office.

Has my order been sent?

Orders are usually shipped within 7-10 business days, sometimes even earlier. After your order is placed, you will receive an email that has been sent. Please check your spam/spam email as long as it slips there. If you can't find your email or think you have deleted it, please contact us at service@taglec.com and we can provide you with real-time information about whether your order has been sent.

What should I do if my item is damaged ?

 If your product is damaged, please take a photo and send it to us at . Then we will ask if you want a refund or other refund. We are not responsible for any damage to boxes, boxes or other packaging. This is the carrier's responsibility to handle them with care, and we have no control over this.

I need to cancel or change my order. What should I do?

We always try to cancel your order, but if your order has already been shipped, we cannot cancel your order. We will always try our best to help you.

If you would like to change your order, please service@taglec.com  as soon as possible. If your order has not been shipped, we will do our best to accommodate any changes. If your order has already been shipped, we will not be able to change the order, but we welcome the return if you wish.

Does my return include shipping?

All return shipping charges and other miscellaneous charges are the responsibility of the customer.

My order is still not here, please help?

If you have ordered more than 45 business days, please contact service@taglec.com and we will investigate for you. We offer a money back guarantee or will resend your order.

How to set up a shipping address?

Since our websites and services are based on English, all information you enter must be in English, including punctuation. If some of the letters in your address contain non-English letters, we recommend that you use similar English letters.

Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?

Please note that your shipping address cannot be modified after the order has been processed or shipped. Please update your shipping address to your address instead of your holiday address, as we do not know how long the destination customs department will retain the package.

Why didn't I receive a confirmation email after placing an order?

It is likely that our email has ended in your SPAM / JUNK folder, so please check it out there. If you still can't find it and want it to be resent, please let us know.

I was charged more than the advertising price of the product?

All our products are processed in US dollars. Prices may appear in your local currency when you browse, but will be converted to US dollars once you check out. Any additional charges you may see on your bank statement will be paid by your bank because of the conversion fee and not for us. In addition, any import/tariff or VAT is responsible to you (the customer) and not to us (fast study).

How to track orders?

We will email your tracking information as soon as your order is shipped. Usually, we receive the tracking number one day after shipment. You can track orders here.

I don't have a tracking number. When will I receive it?

When you receive an email, it will be there most of the time, and if not, you can send us an email atservice@taglec.com to get the latest information about your tracking.

What is the payment method?

We accept all major credit and debit cards through the Stripe powered Shopify payment system. We also accept PayPal payments. If your card is rejected, please don't worry, just contact us and we will advise you.