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May 08, 2022 5 min read

Labrador Retrievers are the most popular dog in UK, second only to the Pug in the US. This is because they're lovable and they make great family pets. Labradors require lots of attention and care, but don't worry if you're new to having a dog, their easygoing personality makes it a cinch to get along with them.

The Labrador Retriever In Brief

The most popular breed in the United States, the Labrador Retriever is a friendly, outgoing dog. This may explain why Labs make such excellent therapy dogs as well as guide dogs for the blind.

Some owners insist that Labs are naughty because they have acertain puppyish charm about them and can be quite rambunctious. But remember: Labradors were bred to retrieve things — ducks, birds, fish — and this natural drive makes them want to carry anything in their mouths.

Labradors are often called “soft-mouthed” dogs because they pick up items gently, with little pressure on their teeth. This is what makes them such wonderful retrievers.

Lab puppy
Photo by Elly Filho​​

How To Train Your New Labrador Puppy

Training your new Labrador puppy is something you will have to put time into. It is not something that can happen overnight and you should expect to train your puppy for at least several months.

Training your puppy is important because it helps to build a bond between you and your dog. This also means that they will be better behaved when they are older. You will also find that they are more obedient and this means that they will do what you want them to do when you want them to do it.

If you are looking for Labrador Retriever Training tips then this article is going to give you a few tips on how to train your Labrador Retriever Puppies.

The first thing that you need to remember is that this breed of dog will only respond well if they are being trained by someone who is calm and confident in their abilities as a trainer. If you try to train them using harsh methods then they may become stressed and this could cause problems later on down the line.

Feeding Your Labrador Puppy

Feeding your Labrador puppy isn't as simple as you might think. In fact, the wrong food can lead to obesity, joint problems and even heart disease.

One of the biggest mistakes owners make is overfeeding their puppy. This is a big problem with Labradors because they are greedy and will eat until they are sick if allowed to.

A Labrador puppy has different nutritional needs from an adult — it needs more protein, fat and calcium for healthy growth and development.

The best dog food for Labrador puppies is specially formulated for puppies, with all the nutrients in the right quantities to keep them healthy and growing well.

Lab puppy
Photo by Nima Na​​seri on Unsplash

General Health Issues Affecting Your Labrador Puppy

There are several general health issues that can affect your Labrador puppy. These include:

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar): Puppies have a higher risk of developing hypoglycemia, especially if they are under eight weeks old,or in cases where the mother is unable to produce enough milk. Hypoglycemia can be due to improper feeding and nourishment. Vets will monitor your puppy for signs of hypoglycemia during their first few weeks at home.

Parasites: A common problem seen in puppies is intestinal parasites such as roundworms, tapeworms and hookworms. However, these infections can be prevented simply by administering deworming medication prescribed by your vet.

Puppy Strangles: This condition affects young dogs under six months of age and is characterized by a fever, swollen lymph nodes and pus-filled sores on the face. In most cases, the condition goes away on its own within two weeks to a month. However, it is best to consult a vet if you notice any of these symptoms in your puppy.

Care Of 8 Week-Old Labradors

At eight weeks old, your Labrador puppy is ready to join your family. A Labrador puppy from a reputable breeder should have been socialized with people and other animals. He'll probably already be crate trained and well on his way to being housebroken.

If you're new to Labradors, you'll need to start training your puppy immediately. Labs are smart dogs, but they can become willful without proper training.

Labrador puppies are very active — they need at least two hours of exercise a day. They may look cute at eight weeks old, but don't be fooled — they will grow into large dogs that need plenty of room.

Lab puppy
Photo by Ben Ow​​en on Unsplash

Obedience Training For Your Labrador Dog

Labradors are one of the most popular breeds of dogs and they are a very intelligent breed. They make great pets and companions. They can be an excellent choice for obedience training because they learn quickly, but you will need some patience to get the job done right.

The first step in the process is to make sure that your Lab puppy has been socialized with other dogs, animals and people. This is so important for any dog, but especially for this breed because they have a tendency to be very attached to their owners, sometimes even acting as if they are one with them. You should also make sure that your dog has been around children or other pets and that there is no way he can harm them in any way. It is best if you can have your Lab puppy around children and other pets before beginning obedience training because this will prepare him for the obedience training that you will be doing later on.

You should start off by teaching your Lab puppy simple commands like sit, stay, down and come when called. These basic commands will get him used to following instructions and using his intelligence. As he gets older you can teach him more advanced commands like fetching and heel work.

Common Mistakes People Make With Their Pet Labrador

  • 1. Not setting a schedule or routine.
  • A schedule or routine helps to keep your pet comfortable and secure. You will have to set out times for eating, playing, and going to the bathroom. Also, try to stick with the same times every day so your dog knows what to expect.
  • 2. Not exercising your dog enough.
  • Labradors are very active dogs that need plenty of exercise every day. If you don't exercise themenough they will develop behavior problems such as destructive chewing and excessive barking. Remember that Labradors are a working breed so they should be working and doing something every day!
  • 3. Allowing your pet to sleep in bed with you at night.
  • This is a mistake because it will encourage separation anxiety and make it harder for you when it's time for them to sleep alone in their own bed or crate later on down the road...

Follow this guide to learn how to keep a happy, healthy labrador!

Labradors are some of the most popular pet dogs in America. They are intelligent, friendly, and loyal companions. Here is a guide to keeping your labrador happy and healthy.

Labradors require a lot of exercise. Take them on a long walk or jog every day to ensure they're getting enough physical activity.

Labradors love to play! Throw a ball for your dog to fetch or take them for a swim in the lake or ocean.

Labradors need lots of love and affection from their owners. Pet them daily; talk to them; make sure they have time with you every day.

Feed your Labrador high quality food at least twice daily. Labradors can eat up to 400 calories per day, so make sure they don't overeat!

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