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October 21, 2022 8 min read


Borzois are incredibly smart and beautiful dogs, but they're also complex animals with a lot of personality. If you're interested in buying or adopting a Borzoi, then we've got you covered! We'll cover everything from whether or not borzois are good dogs for first time owners to if they're aggressive. The bottom line: if you want to know more about this amazing breed, read on and find out everything there is to know about Borzois!

Are Borzois good pets?

Borzois are gentle, quiet dogs that can be trained to be good companions. They are not aggressive and make excellent pets for families with children. They also get along well with other household pets such as cats and other dogs.

Because of their size, Borzois need plenty of exercise so it is important to have a large yard or access to a park where they can run freely. If you do not have enough space in your home for the dog to exercise, then you should consider another breed because Borzois require lots of exercise every day.

Are Borzois aggressive?

While they are not aggressive, Borzois are very loyal to their owners and may become territorial around strangers or other animals. They will be friendly with you unless you threaten their owner's safety. Your borzoi is also unlikely to be a good guard dog because he does not have the guarding instincts of other dogs such as German Shepherds or Rottweilers.

Borzois are not known for being aggressive or vicious by nature, but they do have an instinct for chasing after small animals like cats and squirrels. If your borzoi does manage to catch one of these animals in his jaws, he is likely not going to drop it out of boredom or disinterest.

What two dogs make a Borzoi?

A Borzoi is a cross between a greyhound and a wolfhound. It is also known as a Russian Wolfhound, which is the same as the Borzoi.

Is a Borzoi the same as a Russian Wolfhound?

Borzois and Russian Wolfhounds are similar, but not the same. Both are large, long-haired breeds with a wolfy appearance. Borzois and Russian Wolfhounds share many of the same characteristics, but there are some differences between them.

Borzois have shorter hair than Russian Wolfhounds, with longer legs and necks. Borzois are also more slender than their wolfier cousins; they often have less fur around their eyes as well as smaller ears on average. The biggest difference between these breeds is size: Borzois weigh around 40 pounds on average while Russian Wolfhounds can weigh anywhere from 70 to 100+ pounds!

Are Borzois OK with cats?

Borzoi are not good with cats. Some Borzois can be trained to live with cats, but it's not recommended because they can still become territorial. It's better if the Borzois are kept away from any other animals, including small pets and other dogs in general.

They're also known to chase small birds and rabbits, so they should never be left alone outside without a leash or fence around them. If you want to give your dog an opportunity for some exercise, try walking him on a leash before letting him off-leash in an enclosed area where he won't be able to chase anything else besides the ball you throw for him!

Borzoi in the leaves

Can Borzois live in hot weather?

Borzois are northern dogs and are not accustomed to hot weather. It is important to keep your Borzoi cool in the summer months. If you leave your dog outside, make sure it has access to shade or a cool place to rest if it can’t be inside with you. Never leave your Borzoi in the car during warm or hot temperatures; this could easily lead to heatstroke and death.

Are Borzois good for first time owners?

Yes, they are! Borzoi tend to be easy to train, affectionate and friendly with other pets. They also get along well with children. In fact, if you have any small animals in your home that you want the dog to become familiarized with (like a hamster or cat), it should happen within a matter of days.

Borzois are generally considered “low shedding” dogs, which means their hair doesn’t fall out like some breeds do: instead it grows back as long guard hairs around their bodies to protect against the elements. This also makes them great for people who suffer from allergies because there isn't as much dander floating around your house!

Why are Borzois noses so long?

Your Borzoi's nose is an important part of her body. Her long and floppy nose does a lot more than just keep her warm in the winter! The Borzoi's nose is used to cool down, smell, and protect against strong winds.

You might have noticed that your dog's nose is longer than most dogs' noses. This allows her to breathe easier when she runs or walks fast—it also helps get rid of any excess heat that builds up while running. In addition, a Borzoi's nose will help you determine if it's too hot outside because they'll start panting heavily when they're too hot or humid out there (they don't sweat!). If you see this happening during the summer months then take extra care of them by keeping them indoors where it'll be cooler temperature wise so they'll feel better overall."

Are Borzois lazy?

Borzois are not lazy, contrary to popular belief. They enjoy running and playing, but they're also quite independent. They don't need as much attention as other breeds do, which can make them a good choice for people with busy schedules. Borzois are playful and energetic but not hyperactive—they'll happily spend time on their own or with other dogs during the day, then run off their energy at night by chasing a ball in a park nearby (if you live in an apartment without an outdoor space that's acceptable). If you want to get your borzoi involved in more structured activities like agility or flyball, it can be done—but these types of training aren't necessary for the average dog owner who wants a dog that's fun-loving and happy just being part of the family

Are Borzois bigger than greyhounds?

Borzois are a little larger than Greyhounds, and they tend to be heavier in weight. Borzois will typically have a longer nose than Greyhounds and their ears often have white tips or a white stripe down the center of them.

Are Borzoi good with kids?

Let's just get this out of the way: Borzois are extremely good with kids. They are affectionate and playful, and they have a long history of loyalty to their families. The key to training a Borzoi is patience, as they can be stubborn at times. But overall, their intelligence makes them easy to train—even for inexperienced dog owners.

Borzois do well with other dogs in general—they just need some time to warm up before they can get along with them (and vice versa). That being said, if you're planning on having multiple pets in your home (including cats), you may want to choose another breed that doesn't have such strong prey drive.

Can Borzois pull sleds?

Borzois are not typically used for sledding, but they can be trained to do so. The breed is known for its agility, speed and endurance; combining those traits with the strength of a team of dogs can produce an effective sledding team. Just make sure to take your pup's health into account when attempting this feat. Borzois are susceptible to arthritis and hip dysplasia (a condition in which the hip joints don't develop properly).

Why do Borzois spin?

The first thing to do is understand why your dog is spinning. There are several reasons that dogs spin, and they all involve the same basic behavior.

  • They’re trying to get your attention. You may notice your borzoi doing this when you walk into the room after being gone for a while or when you come home from work. Your dog wants your attention and considers spinning a fun way of getting it.

  • They’re just being playful or want to play with you in general—and they think it's fun! A dog who loves playing fetch will often spin after he receives his toy back from you because he wants more playtime with his favorite toy; however, some dogs might also do this if they're bored (so make sure you're not leaving him alone for too long). The same goes for tug of war: If he wants more tugging, then try playing again! And if not... maybe there's something else he'd like to do instead?

  • Sometimes what comes across as "spinning" could actually be an attempt by your borzoi at retrieving something that has fallen out of reach (such as those socks on top of the dresser). If this sounds like an issue rather than an activity or game, then consider giving him toys that will help him learn how to jump up onto high surfaces himself!

Are Borzois expensive?

The cost of a Borzoi depends on several factors. For example, if you are looking for a purebred Borzoi, the price will vary depending on the quality of your breeder and whether they have any puppies that fit your needs. If you are looking for an older dog with no pedigree papers, the costs will also vary according to their bloodline as well as their age and gender.

Do Borzois like to swim?

Borzois are not a water dog. They do not like to swim and are not good swimmers.

Borzois will get cold easily, especially their feet, so if you take them for a swim for more than an hour at a time it is recommended that you bring along some towels or blankets to dry off after the beach visit. Even though Borzois can be taught to swim, it is not recommended that you do so as they do not enjoy being in water and will only learn if there is something motivating them to do so (such as food).

Are Borzois destructive?

Borzois are not destructive, and they don’t chew on your things. They don’t destroy your home or anything else in it, either. As a matter of fact, Borzois are one of the most well-behaved breeds around when it comes to chewing and destroying things (and furniture).

How much exercise do Borzois need?

It's important to remember that Borzoi are very active dogs. They need daily exercise and a large fenced-in area where they can run free. If you're not able to take your dog on long walks, consider taking him/her to a dog park or enrolling them in agility training classes!

Borzois can make great companions for people who are looking for an athletic breed—but they do not do well in small apartments or homes with little outdoor space. Make sure that the amount of exercise you give your Borzoi matches their needs!

Do Borzois like other dogs?

Borzois are not known to be dog-aggressive, but they can be extremely territorial. If you have another dog in the house, it's important that both dogs meet and get used to each other before they become adults. As puppies, they should be introduced to other dogs on neutral territory. Once they grow up together and develop their bonds, you can let them roam free in your home without any problems or concerns about aggression between them.


So, are Borzois good pets for you? Well, if you want a dog that is loyal and loving but also independent and playful, then yes! They’re a great choice for those who like to keep busy and can spend time with their dogs outside. If you live in an apartment or don’t have much space for your dog though then you may want to reconsider before adopting one of these beautiful creatures because they do require some daily exercise as well as roomy yards where they can run around freely without getting tangled up on anything.

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