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October 19, 2022 18 min read


The Bedlington terrier is a small dog that was bred in the 1800s. It's a cross between a curly-coated dog and a Scottish Terrier, but it doesn't look like either of its parents. The Bedlington Terrier has short legs and long hair around its neck and legs. Its coat comes in many colors including white, brown and black with tan spots throughout their body. They are known for being sweet dogs who love people.

Characteristics of the Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier is a small, double-coated toy breed of dog that was first bred in Bedlington, Northumberland, England. The exact date of origin is unknown, but it is thought to have existed in Northumberland for at least 200 years with its origins possibly being linked to the Scottish terrier.

The Bedlington Terrier has a compact body with a level back and tail curled over its back; it has large round eyes and ears which stand up straight. Two varieties are recognised: fawn and brindle (or red). Fawns have black markings on their heads and bodies while the brindles are more greyish-brown in colouration but both colours can be found with tan points (i.e., white feet/legs) or no tan points at all!

History of the Bedlington Terrier

It is believed that the Bedlington Terrier originated in England and was first bred to hunt foxes. It is also thought that they may have been used in the hunting of rabbits, as well. In 1875, an English dog show was held where they were first exhibited. Their popularity grew and soon after they made their way to the United States.

Today, this breed makes a great companion for families with children who want to have a pet that will be friendly and playful with them but also enjoy spending time on their own when needed. If you are considering bringing home one of these dogs as your new family member, here are some things you should know about them:

Bedlington Terrier Appearance

Bedlington Terriers are small and compact, but still have a good amount of substance. They have an athletic build and never look overweight. They have a rather square body with well-developed hindquarters that should be more rounded than their forequarters. The shoulders are slightly less sloped than the hindquarters, giving them a short appearance from behind.

The head is wide and flat with a rounded skull and snout. The eyes are large and oval shaped with plenty of white showing in the center of each eye (the "white spot"). In puppies, there may be two distinct white spots that merge together as they age until one solid color covers both eyes by adulthood; however, this is not always the case since many adults will retain two distinct white spots even as they age. Their ears should stand erect at all times except when relaxed or asleep (and then they will hang down).

Bedlington Terrier Personality

The Bedlington Terrier is a very affectionate dog who loves to be around people. It's important for him to be physically close to you, so if you're thinking of getting this breed, be prepared for lots of cuddling and snuggling. The Bedlington is a popular companion because he's also highly intelligent and easy to train as long as you use positive reinforcement techniques. But don't let his friendly nature fool you—he needs plenty of exercise or else he might get bored and start nipping at your ankles!

Bedlington Terriers sitting on the grass

Bedlington Terrier Temperament

The Bedlington Terrier temperament is outgoing and friendly, but not overly so. It's not a dog that will just jump up on you for no reason or bark at anyone who walks past your door. The Bedlington has its own demeanor and should be treated accordingly. It's important to socialize your Biddie from an early age so it can become accustomed to many different people, places, and animals—and grow into a mature adult dog that is comfortable in any situation!

The Bedlington Terrier personality is generally quiet; however, it can sometimes bark when playing with other dogs or when confronted by strangers. This breed likes companionship with humans so much that it may be prone to separation anxiety if left alone for too long during the day while you're at work or away on vacation (though some might argue this makes them easier than most dogs).

Bedlingtons are very intelligent dogs who need plenty of mental stimulation throughout life in order to keep happy and healthy. They love learning new tricks but also enjoy spending time outdoors running around chasing balls or exploring the yard together as well as inside playing fetch games with their owners too!

Where to Adopt or Buy a Bedlington Terrier?

If you are looking for a Bedlington Terrier, consider contacting:

  • Your local animal shelter or rescue organization. Please be aware that many shelters do not have this breed available for adoption. If they do have one available, they may require an adoption application and/or interview before approving you to adopt one of their dogs.

  • Breed rescue groups such as the American Kennel Club (AKC). While not all breed rescues will have this breed available for adoption, some might have purebred puppies or adult dogs that need homes. If you're interested in adopting a dog from a breed rescue group (and please be aware that there are many wonderful animals at shelters waiting for someone to adopt them) make sure you check out the AKC's website to see if there is any information about your specific breed being rescued by the AKC in your area.

What’s the Price of Bedlington Terrier

The price of a Bedlington Terrier varies greatly depending on its quality. On average, you can expect to pay between $100 and $700 for a puppy from a reputable breeders or shelter. The price will be higher if you are looking for an older dog that has show quality standards.

Petfinder offers many dogs at reasonable prices: https://www.petfinder.com/pet-adoption/dogs/bedlington-terrier/#selection3

Diet and Nutrition of Bedlington Terrier

  • You need to feed your dog a balanced diet that contains the right amount of protein, carbs and fats. The best way to do this is by feeding your dog commercial food.

  • Commercial dog food has all the nutrients your dog needs in it, so you don't have to worry about what they are eating too much or not enough of them.

Cons of Bedlington Terrier

  • They are sensitive to cold weather and don't do well in the winter.

  • Their drooling habit can become a problem.

  • They can be difficult to train, but it is not impossible.

Cons of Bedlington Terrier

However, Bedlington Terriers can be a bit difficult to train. Their stubborn nature means they might not do what you want or expect them to do. If you don’t have patience and time to devote to training your dog, you might want another breed.

Bedlington Terriers also require a lot of grooming care — their long coat requires daily brushing and regular trimming by a professional groomer (or by yourself if you are so inclined). This may mean extra costs associated with owning this breed — especially if grooming isn’t included in the price of adoption or purchase.

Things to know if you own a Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terriers are easy to groom, but they do shed. It's recommended that you brush your Bedlington Terrier at least once a week.

Bedlington Terriers might not be right for everyone. They can be stubborn, which can make them difficult to train properly if you don't know what you're doing.

Bedlingtons are energetic and love playing outside, so they need their exercise! However, they won't try and escape the yard—they're too friendly for that!


The Bedlington terrier is an active dog that needs daily exercise. The breed's short coat makes it suitable for colder climates, but its thick undercoat means that you'll need to brush and groom this dog regularly.

You should also work on teaching your Bedlington terrier to walk on a leash. While some dogs are natural-born leash walkers, many take a bit of time getting used to it. Keep in mind that the breed can be stubborn at times when learning new things, so use positive reinforcement and lots of patience as you work with your pup.

Bedlington Terrier puppies for sale


The Bedlington Terrier is an extremely intelligent and affectionate dog, which makes training easy. However, they can be stubborn and will sometimes just refuse to do what they're told. To get them to listen, you need to be patient and consistent in your training methods.

You can start with sit, stay and come when they are still puppies so that they will learn these basic commands early on in their lives. Once they reach adulthood and have developed a personality of their own (around 6 months old), you can also teach them more advanced tricks such as roll over, fetch or play dead!


The Bedlington Terrier has a fine, short coat that sheds very little. The hair around the eyes and ears is longer and thicker than the rest of their coat. A good weekly brushing will help keep mats away, but they should only be bathed as necessary (typically once or twice a year). Their nails need to be trimmed regularly, as well as their teeth brushed several times per week with a dog-owning toothbrush and toothpaste made for dogs.

They do not require much exercise or grooming, making them an excellent choice for someone who wants a low-maintenance pet!


  • Caring for a Bedlington Terrier is easy, but if you want to know how to care for this breed in particular, here are some handy tips:

  • Bathe your dog no more than once a month.

  • Brush your dog's teeth at least twice a week, especially if they have bad breath.

  • Check their ears regularly and keep the hair trimmed around them so that wax doesn't build up inside or accumulate outside. If you see redness, discharge or an odor when cleaning the ears, bring them to your veterinarian as soon as possible--this could be an infection that requires antibiotic treatment!

Bedlington Terrier FAQs

Are The Bedlington Terrier Dogs Good for Families?

The Bedlington Terrier is a family dog. They're very affectionate and will often be the first to greet you at the door. They love to cuddle up with you on the couch, which makes them a great choice for families who want to spend more time together.

They get along well with children and other pets in their environment and are known for being especially gentle around toddlers, who can sometimes be rough when playing. You may even find they become friends quickly with your other animals!

The Bedlington Terrier's small size makes it an ideal companion for older people as well as young families, since they won't require much exercise or space that might be difficult for some people or children to navigate safely around.

Dose Bedlington Terrier Get Along With Other Pets?

Bedlington Terriers are typically a very friendly and social breed. They love to play with other dogs and people alike. As long as you provide them with ample opportunities for socialization, they can be great companions for other pets in your home.

Is a Bedlington Terrier a good family dog?

The Bedlington terrier is a friendly and intelligent dog that loves to please its owner. It is also very affectionate and can become very attached to people in its family. This makes it a good choice as a family pet because it will be happy spending time with everyone in the family, especially children who like to play with dogs.

Bedlington terriers are good with children and other pets if they are raised with them from puppyhood. They are not aggressive towards other dogs or cats, but make sure your Bedlington has plenty of opportunities for exercise so he does not get bored or frustrated by confinement.

Do Bedlington Terriers bark a lot?

Yes, they do.

Bedlington Terriers are a very vocal breed. They don't bark all the time, but when they do bark it can be quite loud and annoying to their owners and neighbors.

Bedlington Terrier near me

Is a Bedlington Terrier rare?

You may have noticed the word "rare" in the title of this article. Let's talk about what that means.

Bedlington Terriers are not actually rare dogs; they're uncommon, which means there are fewer of them than other breeds but that it's still easy to find one for sale or adoption. The word "rare," on the other hand, has a specific definition: If fewer than 200 puppies are born in any given year from a particular breed (or sub-breed), then that puppy will be considered rare by AKC standards and given its own special listing within the organization's database. This designation helps protect rare breeds by allowing them to be recognized as such while still being able to compete with other dogs who aren't so rare!

Are Bedlington Terriers destructive?

If you're thinking of getting a Bedlington Terrier, chances are you can already tell from their name that they love to dig. Not only do they dig, but they like to take their digging to the next level by digging in the softest, most comfortable places possible—often right on top of your stomach while you sleep.

But don't worry—this isn't necessarily destructive behavior! This breed is known for its love of burrowing under blankets and pillows, which makes them excellent at snuggling with their owners.

Do Bedlington Terriers like to cuddle?

Bedlington Terriers are a small-to-medium sized dog that are known for their short and thick fur, which can be many colors. The Bedlington Terrier was originally bred to hunt foxes and rabbits in the large fields of Northumberland, England. Today, they are primarily kept as family pets or show dogs.

The Bedlington Terrier is an affectionate breed who loves human attention. This dog will happily curl up on your lap or next to you on the couch if you let him!

Do Bedlington Terriers like to swim?

The Bedlington Terrier is a very energetic and happy dog. They have a very low energy level, which means they are not suitable for apartment life. If you’re looking to adopt this breed, it’s best if you live in the suburbs or countryside—not an urban environment.

Because of their lack of exercise, it isn’t recommended that you bring one with you if you plan to travel often by plane or train. It's better if your dog stays at home where there will be plenty of toys around for them to play with.

The Bedlington Terrier is known as being quite intelligent; however it has yet been tested on any intelligence tests so this remains unconfirmed!

How long do Bedlington Terriers live?

The average life expectancy of a Bedlington Terrier is 12 to 14 years.

Are Bedlingtons hypoallergenic?

The Bedlington Terrier is a breed that some people believe to be hypoallergenic. But what does that mean?

Simply put, a dog is said to be hypoallergenic if they don't shed much or at all. Dogs that shed tend to release hair into the air while they're in their "happy" mode (which is basically most of their day). If you have allergies or asthma and are worried about the effects of dogs on your health, then this could be good news for you! However, keep in mind there are many factors at play here when it comes to dog-related allergies. So just because one person's Bedlington didn't cause them any problems doesn't mean yours won't either!

Bedlington Terrier puppies shot picture

Do Bedlington Terriers need a lot of exercise?

Bedlington Terriers are a great choice for those who don't have time to exercise their dog. They require very little running and playtime because they are bred to be low energy dogs. They tend to only need one or two walks per day, totaling about an hour in the fresh air and sunshine.

How much do Bedlington terriers cost?

Bedlington terriers are not cheap, but they're not as expensive as some other dogs on the market. The average price of a Bedlington terrier ranges from $900 to $2,000.

You can find them for less if you look around and find a reputable breeder who's willing to work with you on pricing. The key here is that you need to be careful about where your dog comes from and make sure it's coming from someone who knows what they're doing and has an eye for quality dogs.

How old is the oldest Bedlington?

The oldest Bedlington Terrier ever recorded was 14 years and 2 months old.

Can Bedlington terriers live with cats?

As far as the question of whether or not Bedlington terriers can live with cats, here's what you need to know:

  • They're a good match if you have a calm and well-behaved cat. The Bedlington terrier is gentle and generally friendly towards other dogs and people, but they aren't going to be able to get along with every animal in your house. If your cat is an alpha type who likes to boss around the other pets (or even people), then this might not work out well for either of them.

  • A small dog will probably do better than a larger one. It's important that any dog in your house gets along with each other member of the household—and there are more factors involved than simply their size when it comes to that question. If one of your animals has dominant tendencies, then introducing another pup into the mix could cause serious problems down the road; it might be best for all involved if this issue were addressed sooner rather than later!

Are Bedlington Terriers sensitive?

Bedlington Terriers are not very sensitive, but they do need a fair amount of attention. They will often follow you around, so it's important to give them plenty of exercise and training. If your Bedlington Terrier is not getting enough attention, he may become destructive or aggressive. If you have kids, don't let them play roughly with your dog because it could hurt him!

If you're looking for a smart and energetic family dog who isn't afraid of strangers and can easily fit into any situation without being too sensitive about changes in the environment then Bedlington Terriers may be right for you!

Bedlington Terrier for sale

What do Bedlington Terriers eat?

Bedlington Terriers are small dogs, and their food portions should reflect this. They do not need to eat more than three times a day, and their meals should be relatively small. A good rule of thumb is to feed them half the volume of dry dog food that you would give a medium-sized breed dog.

As with all breeds, it's important to talk to your veterinarian about what kind of diet will work best for your Bedlington Terrier. Your vet may recommend a specific brand or recipe based on your dog's age, weight and activity level.

How do you train a Bedlington Terrier?

To train a Bedlington Terrier, you need to establish yourself as the pack leader by always making sure the dog knows who is in charge. For example, if your dog has an accident on your carpet, do not scold or punish them for it. Instead, pick up their leash and go outside with them. When they have done their business outside, praise them and give them a treat as a reward. This will show them that they can only relieve themselves when they are out of the house and that they must listen to what you say while inside!

You also need to make sure that your Bedlington Terrier gets plenty of exercise every day so that he or she does not become bored or destructive. It is best if you take your pet along for walks at least twice per day because this helps him burn off excess energy while staying active with his owner!

How common is copper toxicosis in Bedlington Terriers?

Copper toxicosis is a rare condition in Bedlington Terriers, and the exact cause is not known. However, some theories suggest that a genetic predisposition may be involved. So far, there have been no reports of copper toxicosis occurring in any other breed or animal species.

What breed of dog looks like a lamb?

You might be wondering, "What breed of dog looks like a lamb?" We'll get to that in a minute. But before we do, let's look at some of the things that make Bedlington Terrier pups so special and why they're so popular with people who want to own an oddball dog.

There are many different factors that contribute to the Bedlington Terrier's appearance and personality, but one thing is for sure: these dogs have a lot of energy! Bedlingtons love being active and will happily spend hours playing fetch or taking walks with their owners. They also enjoy socializing with other dogs—especially when their owners bring along treats as bribes!

What age is a Bedlington Terrier full grown?

The average male Bedlington Terrier full grown is between 9 and 11 inches tall. The average female Bedlington Terrier full grown is between 8 and 10 inches tall.

There are some benefits to owning a young adult dog rather than an older one. One of these is that more training can be accomplished before the dog reaches his or her mature size, but there are other considerations as well.

Do Bedlington terriers need grooming?

  • Yes, they do. The Bedlington terrier has very little hair and requires regular brushing to prevent tangles and mats from forming. They also need their teeth brushed at least three times weekly, as well as their nails trimmed often (about every two weeks). Bedlington terriers are prone to dental issues if not regularly cared for by a professional or if you aren't able to keep up with the proper brushing.

Bedlington Terrier sitting in the garden

At what age do Bedlington terriers change Colour?

The Bedlington Terrier is a medium-sized dog with a very charming and distinctive appearance.

It has a white or cream coat, with black spots on the head and neck. The coat is soft, wiry and straight.

The Bedlington Terrier is known for its excellent hunting skills. This breed can hunt for mice, rats and other small animals in tall grasses and underbrush due to its keen sense of smell.

In addition to being an excellent hunter, the Bedlington Terrier was also used as a herding dog because of their agility and speediness to work through dense fields full of livestock.

What is the best non shedding family dog?

The Bedlington Terrier is a very sweet, loyal and affectionate breed. They are wonderful with children and other pets in the household. They enjoy being around people and can be quite playful at times. The Bedlingtons have a lot of energy which makes them great for dog sports such as Agility, Obedience and Fly Ball competitions along with activities like hiking or running on beaches. They do not shed much so they make great companions if you don’t want to deal with shedding hair all over your house!

How often should you bathe a Bedlington Terrier?

It is recommended that you bathe your Bedlington Terrier once every three to four months.

The reason for this is that they have a double coat, which means they shed their undercoat twice a year to keep it in good condition. This also means that bathing them more often than necessary will remove their natural oils and make them feel uncomfortable.

How do you cut a Bedlington?

The Bedlington Terrier is a low-maintenance dog that doesn't shed much and therefore is good for people who suffer from allergies.

The breed has very short hair, so it doesn't need too much grooming; however, some owners still like to do their own trimming so as to keep the coat looking neat and tidy.

If you're interested in giving your dog a haircut yourself, it's best not to shave the coat down completely because this could cause him or her discomfort in warmer weather (unless your pet enjoys being cold). Instead of shaving off all the fur, make sure that you leave about an inch on top of his head. This will help protect their skin from sunburns while also keeping their ears warm if they have long hair hanging over them.

How often should you brush a Bedlington Terrier?

It is important to brush your Bedlington Terrier's coat on a daily basis to keep it looking great. If you are traveling, it is best to bring along the appropriate grooming tools so that you can maintain the health of their coat while away from home.

Bedlington Terrier lying on the couch

How much walking does a Bedlington Terrier need?

A Bedlington Terrier needs lots of exercise and regular walks. They are very active little dogs and will enjoy nothing more than a good long walk around your neighborhood or the local park.

They are also very intelligent dogs, so keeping them occupied with some kind of training will help to keep them happy.

Are Bedlington terriers fussy eaters?

Bedlington terriers are fussy eaters. They need to be fed a consistent diet and will not tolerate changes in food or the addition of new foods. If your dog is a picky eater, you may want to consider using a slow-feeder bowl as well.

Do Bedlington Whippets shed?

Do Bedlington Whippets shed?

Bedlington whippets are considered non-shedding dogs, meaning they do not shed hair and therefore require less grooming than other breeds.

Do Bedlington Terriers have hair or fur?

The Bedlington terrier is a fun-loving, intelligent dog that enjoys the company of people. It's also an excellent watchdog, but it doesn't make a very good guard dog because it gets along well with strangers. The Bedlington Terrier was originally bred to be a companion pet for wealthy English aristocrats and only later became popular as a show dog.

The coat of the Bedlington Terrier is silky and double-coated, with long hair around its face and legs (the ruff). The outer layer of fur has longer guard hairs that form a protective barrier against harsh weather conditions, while the soft undercoat provides insulation from cold temperatures. This breed sheds little to no hair at all during its lifetime compared to other breeds in its class such as Poodles or Maltese dogs; however, you should still brush your dog regularly if you want him or her to look his best!

Does Bedlingtons have double coats?

  • The Bedlington Terrier has a double coat; the outer coat is wiry and harsh while the undercoat is soft and downy.

  • The Bedlingtons can be black and tan, red, wheaten or blue.

Are Bedlington Terriers fast?

Bedlington Terriers are not the fastest dogs on earth, but they can run pretty fast. They are great at chasing after things and have excellent stamina.

Can Bedlington Terriers catch rabbits?

  • No, Bedlington Terriers don't catch rabbits.

  • They are a small dog breed, weighing only 7 to 14 pounds on average.

  • The Bedlington Terrier is also called the "Biddie."


Bedlingtons are great family pets and are very popular around the world. They have a fun and playful personality with a cute appearance that makes them appealing to everyone. These dogs can be trained easily since they love to please their owners. If you want a dog that is loyal, sweet and affectionate then look no further than this breed!

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